Fallout 76 Raid Guide: 8 Tips to Ensure Success

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This guide will go over a handful of useful tips that players should keep in mind when it comes to completing raids.

Raids are the latest game mode in Fallout 76. Players will need to be well-armed and prepared, because this is by far the hardest series of missions in the game. Even veteran players struggle to complete a raid in its entirety. This game mode is definitely not aimed at newer players. So this guide will go over a handful of useful tips that players should keep in mind when it comes to completing raids.

Never Go In Alone

While it may seem tempting to head into a raid alone, it's not a good idea. Even with a full team of experienced players, completing a raid is incredibly difficult. Needless to say, if it's difficult with four people, it's almost impossible to complete a raid alone. So, it's always best to join a team when attempting to complete a raid!

Don't Lead A Team Until You're Ready

Raids are incredibly fast-paced. If the player leads a team and doesn't know what they are doing, then the chances of survival are slim at best. Unfortunately, if the team leader dies, team members will often leave to find a more experienced leader. Until aplayer is confident that they can lead a team, they should consider playing as a team member to gain some valuable experience.

Power Armor Is King

While it is possible to run a raid using regular armor, it's much more difficult. This game mode is considerably easier if the player is wearing a full set of top-tier Fallout 76 Power Armor such as T-65, Union, or Hellcat. When it comes to completing raids, players need the highest resistance possible. Poison resistance is a must for this game mode, making Union Power Armor a very valuable set.

Use Funky Duds To Make Things Easier

There are a lot of enemies in this game mode that deal high amounts of poison damage, especially the Ultracite Terror. It's best to max out this card, since it does cost a lot of legendary perk coins. Still, players may be able to get by if they're using this perk at rank 1 or 2. However, the higher the rank, the better. When combined with a full set of Union Power Armor, this legendary perk becomes very useful. 

Bring Multiple Weapons Suited For Each Boss

Each of the main raid stages contains a different enemy type. There are robots, Mole Miners, humans, and more. Players should bring at least one weapon that's suited to clearing each of the raid's missions.
For example, the first stage requires players to take down a robot: the EN06 Guardian. Bring a good Troubleshooter's weapon in order to maximize damage output. If the player has one weapon for each individual raid stage, then their chances of completing the raid are increased. 

Communicate With Teammates

Most players turn their mics off while playing. However, this shouldn't stop players from being able to communicate with one another. Whether it's via messages or in-game actions such as signaling to other players which enemy to attack, players should try their best to communicate with others.

Know When To Start Over

If the player is taking on the Ultracite Terror and two teammates die within the first couple of minutes, it might be best to die intentionally. While it may sound counter-intuitive, knowing when to start over can be very useful. Not only does this help to conserve ammo, but it also keeps the other team members engaged, making them less likely to quit.

Bring Plenty Of Consumables

Players will need every boost they can get in order to complete a raid. While guns, armor, and perks are all crucial, some players overlook consumable buffs such as Bobbleheads and magazines. Before starting a raid, players should take a look at their loadout and weapon selection and bring any consumables that offer them a boost. For example, the heavy guns Bobblehead gives players a decent boost to their heavy gun damage output. Players should spend some time prior to starting a raid collecting as many useful consumables as possible. If you lack caps, U4GM also offers Fallout 76 Caps for sale,  FAST AND LEGAL!
